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IV Sedation – What is it?

Dr. Dattani explains: Intravenous sedation is an injection in the back of the hand that makes you sleepy and drowsy, in a sense you don’t know what’s going on, you don’t care what’s going on you don’t feel what’s going on most patients come around not knowing whatís actually happened and actually feel they’ve been asleep. Medically you’ve never been asleep. The best way to describe it, I have just given two bottles of wine to drink within 2 seconds flat, you’re made to feel very very drunk! You can have intravenous sedation for a simple clean all the way to implant dentistry or a smile makeover. But the aim of sedation is to get you into that chair more comfortably and to actually wean you off and make you less nervous. I always challenge my patients that one day they will not have sedation because they’ll be more relaxed so initially when I first meet an extremely nervous patient sedation is a very good way to actually get their mouth healthy to get them out of pain, but it’s just a starting point in a long relationship of getting you less nervous. It’s a bit like giving up smoking, you, first of all, try with patches, try with some nicotine replacement as time goes on you actually think ‘this isn’t too bad I can actually do it by myself’ and that’s what sedation will help you do.

Nervous Patients – How can you help a nervous patient?

Dr Dattani explains: 90, 95 per cent of my patients are nervous. One nervous patient sees me recommends another nervous patient, so here at Kent Smile Studio we actually enjoy our nervous patients. We do it because we feel we can interact with them much much more and we gain their confidence. The way we do that is that we treat them as if they’re coming into their own home or a relative’s home. From the minute they walk into the minute they walk out, we make sure at every stage that they’re looked after well. We try and find out what’s made them nervous, usually a previous traumatic experience, the old gas mask coming as we were children that’s a usual one, or the army dentist working without anaesthetic. These are what have made people nervous, sometimes they don’t know why they’re so nervous, sometimes it’s because their parents were nervous. To find out the reason of the nervousness helps me work out how I’m going to treat them. A lot of times it’s basically explaining the procedure to the patient, being slow, taking out time and doing every methodically so the patient’s fully aware of what’s going on without surprising them. To the other extreme where someone doesn’t even want to sit in that chair. They walk in after they have walked past the surgery four or five times and physically have made them feel sick by actually not being able to walk into the surgery. We have those sorts of patients that actually turn up with toothache, can’t even sit in the chair so I’ll examine them while they’re standing up, I’ll examine them in the waiting room. They don’t need to be in that chair until they’re ready until they’re comfortable. It’s all about gaining their trust, actually trusting us to look after their dental health. It’s very very invasive, I’m very close to that patient, I’m invading someone’s personal space and I think dentists need to understand, patients can be quite taken back that we’re actually that close to them. So keeping that distance initially with that patient so you don’t feel like I’m trying to get into their mouths. Only using a small amount of instruments only a mirror, even just my fingers and having a look. It all depends on what the nervousness is caused by. To the other extreme of where they will not be able to cope with any dentistry while they’re still with it so we offer a service called sedation. Sedation is an injection in the back of the hand that makes you sleepy and drowsy so you don’t know whatís going on, you don’t care what’s going on. In fact, most people forget the whole experience of the dentistry and wake up actually thinking they’ve been asleep but I say to my patients and I challenge them that one day you will have dentistry without sedation and usually we’re right because I come back to it, its all to do with trusting someone, the minute you gain their trust you’re no longer nervous and that’s what we try and do here, we try and make you part of the family so you trust us all from reception to nurse to the dentist.

Braces – Can they cure an overbite?

Dr Dattani explains: Cure an overbite yes, make them the same length it depends what the problem is. If it’s that you’ve chipped a tooth and they’ve worn down, no. We’re not going to be able to grow teeth again but if its height discrepancy that a tooth didn’t come down as much as the other one, yes it can make them both the same height.

Braces – Can you wear braces with missing teeth or Crowns?

Dr Dattani explains: You can, and that can be incorporated into the plan. If youíve got missing teeth sometimes the gaps can be closed with braces, which saves you lots of any additional cosmetic work like bridges or implants.

Braces – How long do you have to wear them for?

Dr Dattani explains: Again every case is individual. If it’s a very simple problem, within six months we can be done. If it’s a more complicated problem you’re looking at 18 months to 2 years.

Braces – Can you get braces only for your top or bottom teeth?

Dr. Dattani explains: You can. It all depends on your bite. A lot of times people come in here saying it’s the top teeth only that bothers them and that’s absolutely fine as long as the bottom teeth can compliment the top teeth that’s not a problem but a lot of times the bottom teeth, the bite is so wrong that to get the desired cosmetic effect you have to do top and bottom.

Braces – Do they hurt?

Dr. Dattani explains: Fitted no. Removed no. After they’re fitted, about two to three days later they start becoming tender because your teeth are physically being moved, so that does cause tenderness. I say 2 to 3 days, sometimes it can be the very same day, sometimes it can be the next day, it does vary but normal painkillers, paracetamol usually gets rid of the pain and as time goes on you kind of get used to it and you actually know what to expect so initially itís like, ‘oh my god I can’t eat on this my teeth are over-sensitive’ and then you realise about three days later they’re actually not too bad now, and then the next time they’re tightened or your trays are refitted you know what to expect so most people are fine with it.

Braces – What options are there?

Dr Dattani explains: There’s the old fashioned train tracks, which as we all know are visible and show through. Adult orthodontics has really taken off and people don’t want to feel disabled by wearing braces that are visible in their social and professional life. So other techniques were invented, one of which is clear braces, which are trays that fit over your teeth that you don’t really see. The other is lingual braces, which sit on the inside surfaces of the teeth. At Kent Smile Studio we proudly provide clear braces.

Invisible Braces – What can they cure?

Dr. Dattani explains: Malaligned teeth. If your teeth aren’t straight they will straighten them. That’s essentially what braces can only do, to straighten them. But it works very well, thatís why I’ve had it done to my teeth.

Smile Makeover – How much does it cost?

Dr Dattani explains: Again it all depends on what it is. If it is just a bit of a clean then you’re looking at 40, 50 pounds. If it’s braces you’re looking anywhere from 1800 to a thousand five hundred onwards. If it’s veneering, if it’s just one tooth you’re looking around six hundred pounds. If it’s top and bottom you could be easily looking at ten to fifteen thousand pounds. Every case is individual.

What is quickest way to whiten teeth?

Dr. Dattani explains:

How can you fix chipped teeth?

Dr. Dattani explains:

Tooth veneers what are they?

Dr. Dattani explains:

What is a smile makeover and what are your options

Dr. Dattani explains:

Wisdom teeth how do you know when they are coming through

Dr. Dattani explains:

Wisdom teeth do you have to be sedated?

Dr. Dattani explains:

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"Dear Dr Dattani, I am so thrilled with the outcome of my recent dental work I wanted to write and express my thanks to you and the talented technician who…"

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"Thank you for my lovely new set of teeth, fantastic treatment and great staff. Thank you to Senal for constantly trying to keep me smiling when I really wanted to…"

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"Thanks due to a fantastic staff who put me at ease. I am now NOT a nervous patient but am addicted to the dentist! Thank you all for giving me…"

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"Guess who? Just a few words to all the guys. Thanks, you’re all very friendly and have given me my smile back, so again thank you. Well what can I…"

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"Thanks Dr Dattani for sorting out my fillings, it’s the best treatment I have ever received by a dentist and I’m very, very happy. Money well spent!"

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